Arjay Wiles needs your prayers and donations for surgery in China that will change his life.
When words come from a mother, they have so much more meaning. Arjay’s mother who is from Liberia wants you to know about her precious angel:
This is the story of our baby, Arjay, who sadly suffered oxygen loss
during birth which resulted in cell injury in his brain.
We just couldn’t wait to welcome Arjay into this world! He seemed to
have had such a big personality in utero. Always somersaulting and
doing his version of kick boxing…he truly was a bellyful! In fact, that is
exactly what Arjay was doing minutes prior to his birth, being full of life.
We didn’t have the slightest clue that in a few minutes our baby boy
would be struggling for his life.
I suffered a placental abruption, which is a condition where the placenta
tears away from the uterine wall prior to birth. Arjay lost oxygen during
the abruption and was born clinically dead! No heart rate, Apgar score
of 0, totally limp and non responsive. The doctors were able to
resuscitate him and he began to seize.
He was transported to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in
Philadelphia to receive head cooling. A procedure where the brain is
cooled to stop any further damage. Sadly, that procedure cannot
reverse any damage prior to the cooling.
All of our hopes and dreams for our son was suddenly hanging in the
ballots. The extent of his injury, no one could determine. How ironic is it,
that in the same hour, our baby could go from moving so actively in my
belly to laying strapped with cords depending on machines to breathe
for him. Needless to say, we were crushed.
Well it’s been 6 months since our very traumatic birth experience. Arjay
continues to have seizure activity, has acid reflux, has developmental
delays,and doctors just confirmed that he is showing symptoms for
cerebral palsy. They cannot fully diagnose him yet because they want to
wait until he is atleast a year to be certain. He gets physical therapy
once a week to address his delays, is on keppra and valium for seizures
and muscle tone, and prilosec for his acid reflux.
I struggle daily coming to terms with all that has transpired over the last
few months. However, my husband and I, have decided that we’re going
to fight for Arjay instead of being sad for him.Thank God for the
technology of stem cell transplants because we have found one last
glimpse of hope!
Arjay is suffering from the effects of cell injury in his brain. Stem cells
have the ability to morph into any cell in the body and regenerate fresh,
new ones where needed. Sadly we don’t have the option to receive
treatment here in America because there has been a ban on stem cell
research. However, there are other countries in the world that offer
treatment. One of which is China and we have decided to go there for a
chance at reversing or significantly improving Arjays brain injury.
This treatment is very expensive! $30,000.00 excluding travel expenses
and up keep for our 35 day stay. . At this point defeat is not a choice
neither is it our portion! We will explore all avenues necessary to restore
our son, my once active bellyful!!
All prayers, love, and support will be highly appreciated as we take our
journey down the road to recovery.
Please visit this website and donate to something so worthy.